Individual allowed to use the Marijuana plant under CA State law if we have been medically examined by a medical doctor and written out a Physician Statement and Recommendation Letter. The Medical Board of CA has written that medical marijuana is a rising treatment modality. The Compassionate Care Act of 1996, shortly known as CA Prop 215.
Doctor’s essential role in Cannabis treatment
Sick Californians have the right to obtain and use cannabis for the medical purpose. It should be recommended by a cannabis doctor who has found that the person’s health can get benefit from the use of it. Proposition 215 was outlined to allow the medical use of marijuana for the seriously ill persons.
This proposition protects them from criminal fines and punishes them from smoking marijuana medically if they have been awarded a medical marijuana card. Only people have properly evaluated and have obtained the doctor’s recommendation to consume cannabis.
Education center for Marijuana
A medical physician must examine and establish whether prescription marijuana would be an appropriate method for a specific ailment. The Education and Evaluation Center for Medical Marijuana, established in Long Beach, gives a tenderhearted medical analysis of patients for a cannabis card.
How to get Marijuana Card?
Understand the give guidelines to hold a medical cannabis card. We should read the reciprocity agreement; the card will be valid in a state which accepts your national ID card. Look for the licensed doctor who can give written recommendation so we can get our card without any problem.
Payments have to be done for the medical card, bear of administrative fees. In some states, we have to pay fewer fees, if we get the medical benefits, supplemental income or if we have some kind of social security disabilities. To know the exact fees, we suggest that to check the guideline in our area. We should prove of the residency and identity. We should wait for the card after applying for it may be two or three weeks.
As soon we received the card, we can get the card; the law allows using the herb for the treatment. We can extend the validity of the card with renewal recommendation from the doctor. Some companies provide a counterfeit recommendation, so we have to ensure that we are dealing with rightful authorities.
Medical Marijuana treatment with a medical card
A patient who suffers from a major disease like cancer, glaucoma, AIDS or HIV, multiple sclerosis and those who suffer from severe pain, nausea resulting from chemotherapy for cancer treatment, seizure and persistent muscle spasm are legally treated and cured by medical marijuana. Though it is a drug, we get an opportunity to treat major and incurable disease within our lifespan.
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